Friday, December 01, 2006

5 Reasons why BlackJack is better than Poker

The play of the Poker this doing crashes in all sides, since the better virtual casinos to the immense world of the series of poker; but of equal forms will come in decline, while the blackjack continues being the best and more amusing card game. I believe that five reasons are more than sufficient to show you because the superiority of the play of the blackjack on the poker.

The blackjack is very fast, you have not to sit down and to wait for that the people be chirped, all this said they hit me or I hit. The blackjack is for a lot more easy to learn to play; given that the base of the play is to surpass with a 21 the hand of the repartidor, there is not a lot that to learn if you compare it with the poker.

When you play blackjack is against the repartidor, thing that does not happen with the poker; should not worry about what think the other players, this is not an advantage, but al less should not worry about things as the body language of the others. Hitting him to a 21 or al blackjack automatically you earn; in any shape or form the poker is interesting, but ¿as many times can hit to a Royal Flush? In the blackjack is possible they gain with a blackjack in repeated occasions in a session of play, and I can tell you that finally is more gratifying to hit him to a blackjack that to see a player with a pair of sietes to gain him to another with a pair of fours.

In the blackjack the responsibility to gain corresponds you, is the same thing in the play of the poker, but if you lose with someone but, cannot blame al repartidor of letters; many people was asked ¿Why to blame al distributed of letters? It happens the following thing, the repartidor only delivers you the letters, the only head of the play are you, this has to see only in the form in which play; as we can see is easier to assimilate a rout in the blackjack that in the poker.

In any shape or form you should remain with the play that better identify you, if is poker then itself a player of poker in all the rooms of poker that can find; if is blackjack then dress you appropriate and a seat takes on the table of the blackjack. In my opinion the blackjack is simply the best play of casino.