Tuesday, January 09, 2007

10 Thing you need to play Blackjack

The Professor of Blackjack

Al to study the lives of successful professionals, and combining with my own experience of developing systems to gain in the bets, I have found ten necessary requirements for gain in the Blackjack:

1. A complete knowledge of the play. It cannot expect to gain in something that does not understand. Although it should be familiarized with the rules and procedures, ¡what should know is the play!. This includes the Basic Strategy, the to dominate a system of control of the letters, the adequate ability to wager and as to avoid that they do him trap.

2. Carrying registrations Is of vital importance to carry registrations (to recall) while is played. It needs to know where and when played, its impression of the croupier and of the leader of zone (¿was being observed or they were doing him trap?), and it but important, their record of cattle and lost. Colliding the boss of its victories and routs you can monitor its budget and to identify casinos and crupiers with the ones that is itself difficult to gain.

3. Car Knowledge The play is so powerful psychological that can transform it totally. Should watch with care its emotions during the play. Are you the type of player that continues wagering when goes losing, or one that can stop when loses_. It can relate to other players although these they bother him? It can be maintained tranquil when plays against a croupier that him does not fall well? There is not an easy road for the autoconocimiento. It obtains it playing and lending attention to its feelings.

4. Independence of Thought and of Action should have confidence in its judgments and to act independently. It cannot be permitted the to be influenced by other, already be friends, enemy, crupiers, companions or who be. Of the same form, to give him a counsel to a playmate is a bad idea. My answer is now standard. A woman, al to see that I was gaining me asked, after removing a 4 against its 9/8 exposed, if had done the correct move. I told him. "Lady, when earns is always the correct move ".

5. Mental agility for a Sufficient Concentration. The not alone mental agility signifies to be on the alert, is also the ability to be concentrate on the letters without importing what even around him. Alone it can be acquired through the practice. You should be capable of registering the letters and to carry conversations with the croupier and other at the same time. Any that be the method that use to practice, the time that even causing will be worth while.

6. Physical preparation Means to have its ready body to play, when less, four daily hours, a not alone combination of an adequate physical condition, but of a quantity of adequate dream. A casino is Disneyland for the adults. There is not clocks, there is not hour of the lunch. It is difficult to maintain his biological balance in such atmosphere, but fortunately the majority of us we have included an "alarm of exhaustion". Put him attention!. When it harms to sound, to stop playing and rest. The people that try not to be lost you're welcome, generally they finish losing a thing: their ¡money

7. Basic knowledge of the Odds in the Letters should know the odds in the letters to understand the effects of the gusts of wind in its play. When does not it know that type of losing gusts of wind they can occur, is but susceptible to that do him trap. This lack of cloudy knowledge their sense of the suspicion. Second, the odds help him to determine their available money. The to know the percentage of advantage that has permits him not to spend but of what is acceptable. Third, it should know its percentage of success to know if is gaining as owes. If it it is not doing, should consider the possibility that the crupìer is doing him trap.

8. Car Control This is the most important psychological requirement to gain. It is particularly important when is losing. It does not it matter how good its system or its play be, when begins to lose to should stop playing!. The road of the main avenue in The fertile plain to the airport is full of losers that did not know to be stopped; and that they sold their tickets of return to be able to be recovered.

9. A Plan of Play to Have a plan can signify the difference between the success and the failure. As many as trips of play thinks to do? As much as time is going to remain in each one? In which places thinks to play? That so much money needs? As many hours al day thinks to play? It will be only "of business" or thinks to socialize? These and other questions should be answered during the phase of planning. Without a plan of play not pod´ra to control the play, the play will control it you.

10. Experience there is not better teacher than the experience. Alone there is a form to obtain them in the blackjack and that is to play in each condition of play that find. Play in large casinos and instead of bad death. Play against crupiers young and old, beautiful and ugly, and of different races. Play in departures of one alone and of various mallets, with to 8 mallets. And clearly, also it play against an imaginary adversary in its kitchen! !!!!