Thursday, January 04, 2007

Casino Games where you can win

Wagering is an edge floating systems sea to edge, like the notes in the bottles being balanced in the waves. Collect the bottles; read the notes. You will learn sequences of magic bets, that the mathematician still have to discover. You will find counsels on which numbers to wager and when. If its optimism takes the control, you will be apt to think that there should be systems in some part, that the people passed through high; forms to gain that not yet have been invented.

But, you simply cannot conquer to the play of casino, with advantages pre-established against you. Although, it can be amused to try, and the desires abound if is seeking to remove him the major provecho to its dollar. Well, but what happens if does not want to gain? Good, if it wants to gain long-term, will have to find play where its decisions really import. To be able to surpass the advantages against you, you should be able to make decisions that have influence in those advantages and, I will tell it again, their decisions really should import. And I do not mean that their decisions can import after see the results. They should import for logical reasons before do its bet.

It will see, observing that the number 24 has appeared in the wheel of the roulette and desiring that him to have wagered, does not signify that to wager him al 24 would have been the best decision. Would have been a winning decision (assuming that nothing of what did while wagered to have influenced the result), but not a good decision. Since you did not have any prior reason to suspect that the 24 was better than any another number, you would not have been making a decision that figured to cut the advantage of the house.

If you is you going to gain long-term, you have that, or to have the advantage to begin or to find forms for make logical decisions that function to its favor. That it is why you can learn to conquer al poker, where imports if you go, doubles, or enlarges. That it is why, is theoretically possible to conquer al blackjack, also, where imports if remains or go for the 13. And that it is why theoretically is possible to conquer the bets in the sports, where the line is traditionally established by the perception of the public. If its analysis of a play is better than that of them, you will be able to gain the sufficient thing of an advantage for sobrellevar the implicit advantage.

The given they give little advantage to the house, so is good option to be entertained, but cannot do logical decisions to surpass that small advantage. The roulette is still more complicated. Nevertheless, four years ago, I announced in the Internet, that thought up a system of roulette that could cut the advantage of the house to literally zero. Continuing with what I have just said him, here is the system #1 of Roulette, of Expensive (see the lateral bar). It is based on the wheel of the American standard roulette, with zero and double zero.

This system cuts the advantage of the house literally to nothing, if you believe in it the sufficient thing for never be frustrated and to change of tactics. What I am going to say can seem him him rarely, but here goes.

First, never it wager simply to red or black. Do neither wager peers or unequal. These they are likewise poor, consistently they lose the bets.

Second, itself it be not attached to wager al zero or double zero. This will seem as if wagered with the house, but by technical reasons, you are wagering against the house- and is taking the worse thing of this.

Then, to be able to annul the advantage of the house, you should be attached to direct bets to not green numbers. All the red odd numbers, they return evils options, based on more than two trillones of tests in computer. Them it wager not.

All the black even numbers give evils results, and himself cannot be wagered him, by the same reason, which I will not explain here.

We go direct al counsel of save-money. Any bet that decide to do, should cover only even red or unequal black numbers. There is not exceptions.

Finally, you need very to be disciplined in excluding the number 30 and the group of consecutive numbers that begin with the 11 and they continue in the sense of the pointers of the clock including to the 14.

This system can seem mystic, but I I take very in serious the to wager, and this functions me.