Thursday, January 25, 2007

The backgammon Rules

The backgammon is a simple play with deep strategic elements. Does not it take a lot of time to learn, although from time to time dark situations appear that require a careful interpretation of the rules. The duration of each play is short, so when is not played for money (bets) this is played in rounds or you parted, for example the first one in doing five points.

A play of backgammon is comprised of two phases: the phase of contact, that is when you put on file them more backward of the players still they can be captured, and the phase of career, in which put on file them of the players no longer they can be captured and only depends on the value of the given to withdraw put on file them.

Each side of the panel has twelve adjacent booths, formed by triangles extended. The booths or points imagines that they are connected some with other, forming a chain of twenty-four triangles extended. The triangles alternate the color and they are grouped in four quadrants of six triangulos each one. The quadrants are outsides or interiors for each player. The exterior quadrants and the interiors are separated by a bar.

The points are numbered of the 1 al 24, with them you put on file always being moved from the points with the highest numbering toward the lowest one. The two players move its you put on file in opposite directions, giving as a result that the point 1 for a player is the point 24 for the other. Without embarerados of the 1 al 24, with them you put on file always being moved from the points with the highest numbering toward the lowest one. The two players move their you put on file in opposite directions, giving as a result that the pungo, some play maintain the numbering of the points since the perspective of a player.

Each player begins with two you put on file in his point 24, three put on file in his point 8, five put on file in his point 6 and other five put on file in his point 13. You put on file them of the players they are of different color, one dark and the other space.

Each player has his own pair of given and a given shared, this given he is for the doubled with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64, he is used to keep the final value of the play.