Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Keno Casino Game

The word "Keno" has French or latin american roots (Fr. quine five winning numbers, L. quini five each one), but without doubting it the play I am originated in China does but of 2000 years. The invention of the play save to the old City in times of war and the popularity I help to raise funds to build the Great Wall. According to one of our sources, the results of the play of the Keno in the large cities were envoys to distant populations by means of a passenger pigeon. With time, was introduced al West when the Chinese emigrants came to US to help to build the trans-continental railroad in the century 19.

The Keno is similar to the play of lottery, in which the players have a card or cardboard with numbers that select with the hope to be the same that the ones that leave in the balls. Previous play of Keno sought to equalize five numbers to gain and from time to time a rowboat with a long neck was utilized for cause to fall the balls. Said alone neck was it sufficient extensive to permit that a ball to fall each month and is because of it that the rowboat was called "Keno Goose".

To Play:

First the players need to buy a Cardboard of the Castle of Keno. To buy a cardboard, do a put of a slip of $1 in the circular marked "to Do Bets" in the panel to Wager. None of the options of bets will be assets until the cardboard be bought.

Later the players tried to guess that numbers will be wise and marked them of the 1 al 15 of the booths in the wall. To mark a booth simply put the cursor in the block and pressure it. The block selected changed of color to indicate that has been marked. Comply go marking each block, the bookkeeper of Booths in the lower part of the screen itself ira increasing. (Take into account that is possible to mark but of 15 booths, but the numbers cannot be distributed until the I number of booths selected be 15 or less.) To eliminate a mark, alone pressure the block and changed al original color (and the bookkeeper of booths will diminish).

There are five different options from Bet in the Castle of the Keno. Each option requires a determined I number of booths marked before return assets. Comply go marking the Booths, the buttons of the options were illuminated to satisfy the requests of maximum and most minimum booths (see the Options of Bet subsequently).

When already it have finished to do its selection, pressure its chosen form to wager of the Board of Bets to begin. Twenty rocks will be launched toward the castle, striking the numbers randomly. Each time that a rock strike in a block, a flag was shown to unfold the I number corresponding. When an I number that have marked in the wall be struck by one of the rocks, will be called "Success".

After the final Rock have hit upon their objective, al player was paid him according to as many rocks struck the blocks marked, basing on the board of payments for the option selected.


Our play of the Keno is played with a cardboard of 80 numbers and 20 balls with numbers whose function is the same one that in the normal lottery. The card is divided into two halves, with the numbers of the 1 al 40 up and of the 41 al 80 in the lower part. We have added a little but of diversion presenting the cardboard as a wall of a Castle, with the 80 numbers painted in blocks of granite that form the wall. Instead of distributing the balls to announce the winning combinations, we utilize a rock thrust of a catapult so that hit to a corresponding number. If the rock hits him or not al I number that chose n we know it, but very is amused to see as the wall goes downhill while ascertains if earns or not.